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After Salvation was designed for those who ask the question,"I'm saved, now what?" I started to focus on this question when I was asked this by an older mentor who challenged me on this idea of "what happens after salvation". To be honest, it bugged me. I thought like many other young pastors that listening to me preach would help them grow to their full potential.


The reality is, as believers, we are assigned to go make disciples. Jesus never said, “Go out and make converts,” He said, “Make Disciples”. If we don't create avenues for intentional discipleship in addition to cooperative teaching, we will watch droves of believers barely tap into the full understanding of Jesus and neglect the mission that Jesus has called us to be a part of.


Unfortunately, many pastors, staff, and mature believers desire to help others grow, but "time" or the "know-how" is the barrier stopping so many from accomplishing it. After Salvation wants to partner with churches, church leaders, and believers to remove barriers and give access and strategy to everyone on ways to grow in their faith.


My goal in life is to help people reach their full potential in Christ. After Salvation is an avenue that can help move the needle of discipleship by providing this tool for Christians all over the world! This is a team project with many pieces of advice and input from so many, I'm so thankful for those who have helped me along this journey. My prayer is that God would use this resource to remove the barriers for both new believers and those hungry to help others grow in Christ.

Only Through Him,                                                      

Roger Jackson                                        

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